Sunday, December 6, 2009

News from Tawhiti and Asha, and Lupe and Mathias - November 23rd

Tawhiti with a mealworm:

Tawhiti’s chicks are all grown up – so quickly! Two have been banded and we expect them to fledge any day now. They will be among the first chicks on the island to leave their nest; the first to go from nestlings to fledglings. The third chick didn’t survive. It must have been too hard for Tawhiti and Asha to find enough food for all three chicks so one fell behind. But they have raised two healthy robins and that is pretty good going.

Tawhiti's chick:

Lupé and Mathias have two eggs now and Lupé is sitting tight – although when I watched her yesterday she would leave every ten minutes to find a few more feathers just to make incubating a bit more comfy. And Liddy, Lupé’s mother, should have chicks any day now. She has been sitting for 18 days and no longer comes off the nest when we visit her. She knows her chicks will be hatching any moment - in fact, she can probably hear them tapping away inside the shell.

Lupe on her nest:

1 comment:

  1. Hiya guys,
    Missing both you Mel and Soph, especially seeing your video on banding. Wish I was there to share the pancakes and the fun. I hope all is going well and Soph got there safe and sound. There's no indication whose writing the blog, so I'm just hoping it's you. I can imagine the spider falling out your trousers quite easily. Anyway, lots of love from sunny stroud, Lucy
